We are proud to introduce DKEY Bank Savings feature to all users. The savings feature is designed for users to generate passive income with their idle crypto assets. It is similar to a bank’s savings and fixed deposit, where you can earn annual interest on the crypto you deposit. There are two types of Savings: Flexi Savings and Fixed Savings.
Flexi Savings is like a crypto savings account that allows users to subscribe and redeem their crypto assets whenever they want. If you are looking for a short-term investment, Flexi Savings will be a better option for you to earn interest daily.
On the other hand, Fixed Savings requires users to subscribe crypto assets to a fixed duration for higher interest earnings. Users can currently choose to subscribe crypto assets in the form of DKEY or DUSD on DKEY Bank.
DKEY Bank launches Flexi Savings in which users can enjoy an annual interest of up to 6% by subscribing at least 1 DKEY. Moreover, we also provide Fixed Savings with guaranteed annual interest by subscribing at least 1 DUSD for 15 days to earn 3% DUSD and 0.5% DKEY; for 30 days to earn 4% DUSD and 2.0% DKEY; for 60 days to earn 5% DUSD and 3.0% DKEY. As a result, users can gain more than one crypto in return through Fixed Savings.
The funds will be deducted from your wallet once you have subscribed to savings. All interest starts to accrue on the second day of subscription (T+1). The main difference between these savings features is the flexibility to access your assets. With just a click on the “Redeem” button, users can withdraw funds from their Flexi Savings at any time. However, if users choose to terminate their Fixed Savings before maturity, they will not receive the interest earned.
DKEY Bank will continually bring in new crypto to savings feature. Subscribe to savings today to earn interest while you are committed to holding your crypto!
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Medium: https://dkeybank.medium.com/
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